sábado, 7 de marzo de 2015

Recreational drugs vs. medicinal drugs

       The most common question about "drugs" is: what is the difference between recreational drugs and medicinal drugs? Medical drugs are prescribed for a particular medical need such as infection control, pain relief, etc. Recreational drugs are taken for fun. Medical drugs are sometimes used as recreational drugs. The most common is the marijuana, according to the World Health Organization, marijuana is the most popular recreational drug worldwide. However, unlike many other recreational drugs, marijuana is widely used as a medicine as well.

       While there are many illegal drugs much worse than marijuana or alcohol, what many don’t realize is just how many drugs are perfectly legal and obtainable over the counter, that are far stronger and more dangerous than the illegal ones. For example the "Robitussin" is use for supposing cough; however this is a powerfully addictive substance. Recreationally robitussin can have powerful effects, ranging from euphoria, elevated mood, dissociation, dream-like states, and increased awareness. Many people consider the state to being drunk and stoned at the same time, and higher doses can greatly impair memory, language and judgment.

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